Cyberpunk 2077 by Platige Image

Even though it’s a couple years old, I found this great video game trailer by Platige Image in Poland. I wanted to share because the visuals are incredible, and the Behance post takes us through the making of the animation in great detail. After watching it a couple times, it reminds me of Blade Runner in many ways, or even the Judge Dredd movies. They did a superb job creating a futuristic city and news broadcast presence. I also love how they slow down a key plot moment to almost a frozen moment in time, slow enough for us to see bullets streaming through the air. The realism of the characters is also fantastic. They actually physically scanned a woman in this clothing and pose for the shot. You can see all of that in the process shots (see below) Great job by this studio!        You can see the full animation on Vimeo HERE   See all the artwork HERE  ...
ENDEAVOR by Alexis Marcou

ENDEAVOR by Alexis Marcou

These kick-ass snowboard designs by Alexis Marcou show a real talent for hand-drawn illustration. I’ve never snowboarder before, but I was always fascinated at how each board became an artist’s canvas. The same holds true for skateboards. These particular boards will probably never see the slopes, but they exhibit a level of captivation that comes from the fusion of engineering and art. Marcou’s hand-work is precise and imaginative. I’m guessing the skulls and scenes are first drafted with pencil and illustration markers, then filled in with layers of watercolor and gouaches. You can see some of the process images below. Great work, Alexis!             See all the artwork...
Organic Geometry part II by David Brodeur

Organic Geometry part II by David Brodeur

 These digital sculptures by David Brodeur are his masterful interpretation of Life as we know it. He interprets each being as having its own unique path along its lifetime, yet each takes on its own personality, as reflected by each of his sculpture’s thread-like tentacles.   I really enjoy this piece because it reminds me of string sculpture work I’ve seen in museums in the past. It’s pretty brilliant in the way it’s constructed and lit. Nice job, David. See all the images HERE    ...